Wednesday, April 25, 2012


 baking almond crescents with big sister

and our very own fireplace

Friday, April 20, 2012

mere hours

here are my lovelies yesterday afternoon
mere hours before the dual spew-fest began.

husband was heroic as he dealt with big sister,
while i comforted little sister and manned the laundry.
my housemates have been most gracious and kind
as i've hogged the washing machine
(to wash virtually every towel we own!)
and as we've cancelled our weekend away to the dairy farm (sob!)
their compassion is benefit no. 235 of house-sharing -
support from other grown-ups in the midst of kidlet crises!

note: little sister is seen here sporting big sister's overalls -
i imagine our little dirt-lover will be
wearing these almost constantly from now
til winter's end.

Monday, April 16, 2012

11 months old

this little person will be eleven months old tomorrow.
she's just started sleeping through again
(i count sleeping til 4:30/5am as sleeping through)
thanks to space for her to cry/learn to sleep over the easter break.
she now goes to creche when i'm at church or bible study,
and doesn't appear to miss me at all!
she loves company, especially older kids,
and is starting to make noises that sound a bit like words
to my biased ears.
she is a great delight to husband, big sister and i.

(little sister is seen here playing
with the balloons from our recent house-warming party)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

catching up

big sister, munching her lone chocolate easter treat
a trip to the zoo on the train
building bunting for our upcoming house-warming party
little sister, standing but not yet stepping out
re-teaching little sister to go to sleep by herself at night
making flannelette pyjama pants for little sister from my pyjama shirts
spending a few days in the big house by ourselves
stacking firewood in our garage
blanketing our bed and locating our slippers
eating figs from our tree
planting bulbs and replanting vegie seedlings:
some of the ways we've been spending our time.

i'm not quite back on top of my game yet -
i have a bunch of cards on my desk that needed sending 2 weeks ago -
but i'm almost there!