Saturday, October 15, 2011

commercialisation of children

this isn't my usually blogging style, but i just watched this doco -

and it made me want to cry, smash our tv and head for the hills! i despair for children (and their parents) that they are being targeted so purposefully, yet with scant regard for what is truly in their best interests, by marketers and companies looking to make profits. i am especially saddened by the growing tendency for children (and all people, really - i know i feel this way at times as well) to define themselves and their worth by the "stuff" they have, and by the increasing use of media (read: tv, internet, smartphones, etc) diminishing children's imaginations. i honestly feel a little scared that this is the type of world my girls are growing up in, and i know that husband and i will have to work hard and make tough calls to protect them as they live in it.

i don't normally get so preachy, though i have held these views for a while, but i've been thinking about appropriate christmas presents for our girls (and feeling a bit sick about it) this week, and was also disturbed that i had to go to 2 supermarkets to find a toothbrush for big sister that didn't have a cartoon character on it (after her last toothbrush fell in the bathwater that little sister had just pooed in...)

what happened to being free to be a child and delight in the world?

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