Thursday, January 19, 2012


last night was our first night of using controlled crying to give little sister an opportunity to learn how to fall asleep on her own. big sister is currently sleeping in our bed, and husband and i are sleeping on a lilo on the living room floor, so that little sister can cry her little eyes out without keeping big sister awake. though sleeping on an inflatable mattress isn't the best, i actually had the best night's sleep i'd had in a while - after taking an hour to fall asleep initially, little sister only woke once during the night (instead of 5 times like she did on sunday night) and she fell back to sleep on her own after 20 minutes. i'm not counting any chickens, but she also fell asleep in her cot for her morning nap (instead of her pram) after only 5 minutes, and for her lunchtime cat-nap with no crying at all. no chicken counting on my behalf. please.

and with our new camera due to be delivered tomorrow,
here's a post full of pictures from other places
of our favourite sleepy-themed books:

little cloud, by eric carle
little sister's current night-time reading

time for bed, by mem fox
has the most exquisite illustrations

goodnight tiptoe, by polly dunbar
big sister's current favourite sleepy-themed book

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