Tuesday, November 16, 2010

missy's happy day...

while yesterday was my happy day, today seems to be missy's. i've been getting worried that she doesn't like swimming, because all her interactions with her teacher and the other mums involve missy scowling at them, and she usually ends up chucking some kind of minor tanty by the end of the lesson. but not today. today she squealed delightedly and swam enthusiastically throughout the lesson, giving her teacher several smiles (which she seemed to appreciate much!) perhaps it's because missy's finally figured out that she can shut her eyes and her mouth whenever we dunk her, and then it's actually pretty fun...

when we got home, missy settled herself into this cosy nook:

for those of you i haven't seen in a while, i thought i'd include a pre-christmas bump picture - apologies about the hugely attractive outfit (we'd just been swimming...):

take care,

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