Monday, November 15, 2010

strong and loud...

i heard our new baby's heartbeat today - strong and loud. it made me teary - the first real sign (other than my growing belly) that the little life in me is going well. i'm glad that these things are just as thrilling the second time around...

missy is walking almost constantly now - she doesn't care who's watching or whether she's being coaxed, she walks now for her own pleasure. today i saw her stand up without holding onto anything, so she's virtually unstoppable. the only dilemmas left are stairs and steps...

here is the saturday afternoon view from my favourite window in our house - rainsoaked:

though i should have been working on my teaching portfolio, i spent a large part of this weekend making an advent calendar, while husband hogged the computer for his exam preparations. (the exam was this morning and went pretty well - it could even be his last, if he gets accepted into a research subject for next year.) how unfortunate, to be forced to sew...

i got my inspiration from here.

our front nature strip is a carpet of these purple flowers at the moment. husband is well pleased. the only problem with the abundance of these beauties is that they've hidden the parsley that also grows in this patch - parsley that regularly gives me a laugh from my kitchen window, as i watch passers-by cautiously look over their shoulders for an audience before pinching a sprig or two for their dinner. maybe we should put a little sign up, because they needn't feel so worried - they're welcome to it...

take care,

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