Wednesday, September 14, 2011

a day of discontent

Today is a discontented day for me, for no real reason. Since little sister's birth, I have struggled to be content with many aspects of my life. Her presence brings me one step closer to the (family) life I hope for, but also somehow illuminates the aspects of our present circumstance that are not part of my ideal. If you pray, please pray that I would be content with what I have right now, remembering that where I am is where God has purposefully placed me, and I am not beyond him here.

Above is a picture of big sister in the midst of a pom-pom making adventure - crafting together is something I look forward to doing more and more together as my girls grow.

Below is a Benedictine prayer recounted in Simon Carey Holt's book, 'God Next Door,' which helps to realign my heart when I'm struggling with discontent.

Lord, this cell is to be my home
May your holy power furnish it
in peace and decorate its four walls
with holiness so that your sacred
presence will also abide here.
Lord, it is not large or grand
but it is to be my living place.
May I find within its close quarters
refreshment and your sacred space.
May your spirit of prayer
be my frequent guest and welcome housemate.
May the spirit of praise
Guide every task and deed performed here.
Lord, this cell will be a place for living,
sleeping, praying; it will be a shrine
and a place for healing.
May my door stand open to all who are in need -
as a sign of the posture of my heart.
May peace, love and beauty flow out from
this cell of mine in all four directions
and up and down.
May your silent echo be heard
by all of those whose lives surround me.
The birds of the air have nests;
Foxes have dens;
May this cell of mine
be blessed by you, my God
as a home for me...
and for you as well.

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