Tuesday, September 20, 2011

it's coming

the little party is coming...
and so is the pre-schooler pickiness!

last week, i helped look after the kids in our bible study group creche
most of the kids are a tad older than big sister
so i took this as an opportunity to glimpse into the future -
a future of, "i want to sit next to...," "i want an orange cup, not a blue one..."
(the kids were really delightful, i'm not meaning to speak ill of them!)

so yesterday, after buying these plates for her party,
big sister said, "want yoghurt on blue plate, mummy"
the future has arrived a little sooner than expected...

1 comment:

Gina said...

Ahhh, choice. The bain of my life. If only there were no choices. I try to limit them...