Thursday, April 22, 2010

earth day...

so it turns out today is "earth day" - i did not know this until i went to bible study this morning (at which i was able to focus and contribute and learn so refreshingly much, now that missy's sitting prowess allows her to be looked after in the church creche. huzzah!)

and during this study, we looked at genesis chapters 1 and 2 - the accounts of how God created the earth and everything in it, including humankind, whom he made in his own image, and to whom he gave dominion over the creation. dominion - what does that even mean? we ran out of time to discuss it in depth, but with earth day conveniently falling today as well, i am currently thinking about what it really looks like to have dominion over God's world, under God. hmmmm...

and i'm thanking God for these daffodils-to-be, which sprung up unexpectedly near our driveway:

take care,

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