Monday, April 12, 2010

it begins...

so, a blog, eh? i've always been a facebook-refuser, but of late i have come to appreciate the benefits of being able to document parts of your life online, particularly when so many of your loved ones live far away, or when the busyness of life keeps you from seeing your local treasured friends as often as you would like.

hence, the ambiguous teapot blog. here, i will attempt to share with you some beautiful things from my everyday life. i pray that the act of sharing will teach me to cherish these things more and more.

and here is the very first one, made (well, mosaic-ed) with my own two hands:

the fact that i've included this picture today means that i can't tell my in-laws about this blog until next monday, as this bowl is a gift for my mother-in-law's birthday. but i am just so excited about how this turned out that i wanted to share it today...

and now i'm off to let some people know that my blog exists!

take care,

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