after arriving in roskilde at lunch time on monday, we caught the train into copenhagen and crammed in as many sights as we could in one afternoon, which was actually a fairly stressful way of doing things. then getting back to roskilde proved challenging, because we couldn't figure out which train we needed to catch - a frustrating thing for two stubbornly independent people like husband and i. at least danish people are helpful, and they thought missy was cute, which made them even more happy to help us.
tuesday was a much more pleasant day - here's a pic of husband and missy as we cruised the canals of copenhagen on a tour:
this was a real highlight for me - seeing so many landmarks while enjoying some time out on the water.
tuesday evening was another highlight for us, as we explored roskilde. here's a pic of a random wheat field that we discovered - it turns out the field holds the ruins of buildings from medieval times, and the wheat crop is grown to help keep the field undisturbed. you can see boats on the fjord in the distance:
a real lowlight of our trip is the next photo. i'm tempted to keep this to myself and never speak of it, lest i suffer the wrath of both my mother and husband's mother, but in the interest of being honest, i will share. we stayed in a bed and breakfast type arrangement in roskilde, which turned out to be more like a converted loft in the home of some empty-nesters looking to make some extra cash without having to do very much. anyway... we forgot to ask if there was a baby bed available. and there wasn't. so after racking our brains, we decided the best (i.e. safest) solution was to make a little cage for missy so she could sleep on the floor and not escape. she did not like it all that much. but she got some sleep, as this pic proves:
we're sorry miss! we'll never do this again!
but this last pic, taken at husband's aunt and uncle's dairy farm in germany, where we spend wednesday night, shows that we have not scarred her for life:
(the picture is coloured orange because of the sun shining through the orange curtains in the room we stayed in.)
it was fantastic to meet some more of husband's family - they were exceedingly generous, we felt very welcomed and it was great to see their farm at work. we enjoyed lots of sunshine and strawberries here before heading back to the netherlands to stay with another of husband's aunts and uncles, which is where we are now.
phew. that will do.
i hope all is going well with you, wherever you are.
take care,