Tuesday, June 1, 2010

baking biscuits...

i've just baked these anzac biscuits for our bible study group tonight, and i'm so pleased they've turned out well. this recipe brings back vivid memories of the night missy was due to be born (which turned out to be 6 nights before she was actually born.) i used this recipe to bake some biscuits so i'd have something in the house if people came to visit, but in my fat-lady-"hurry-up-and-be-born-now-baby" haste, they turned out quite badly - the butter and golden syrup separated from the rest of the mix while they were in the oven, so the biscuits spread out and were really hard - i've never had a "cooking fail" quite like it! husband and i ate them anyway, they tasted okay if you were prepared to test your teeth out on their rock-like exterior, so they were mostly gone by the time missy actually arrived, but i'm still not quite sure what went wrong that night.

now our house smells like biscuits. mmmm...

take care,

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