Friday, June 25, 2010

the denmark experience - part 1...

julia gillard, eh? the things that go on when you're out of the country...

we arrived back in the netherlands from our trip to denmark (via germany) yesterday - and it's certainly good to be back in a country where one of us at least can understand the language!

here is the hire car that we've been travelling around in for the past week:

conspicuous, no? at least we never had any trouble finding it in carparks... we kept getting funny looks from other drivers on the autobarns in germany, which made husband a little concerned about his driving until we realised that people were dumbstruck by our car...

here is a pic of the harbour at fredericia, the danish town we stayed in last sunday night:

the hotel we stayed in didn't deliver on many of the things it promised (i.e. hot water and wireless internet - thank God for mcdonalds for the latter), and the wine we had with dinner ended up costing more than the two mains put together, but the beds were comfy and the breakfast was huge and delicious, so i think our time here was positive overall.

it's a bit hard to show it in a photo (especially a photo taken from a moving vehicle), but this is a pic of the enormous bridge we crossed to get from the second danish island to the one where copenhagen is (can you tell that i know a lot about denmark now?):

the bridge is engineering at its most excellent, but the more husband told me about the way the bridge managed to stay stable, the less i wanted to know (because it was scary, not because it was boring.) clearly i don't trust cables and concrete pillars as much as i could.

we decided to stay in a town called roskilde for monday and tuesday nights, taking the train into copenhagen (35km away), to avoid having to drive and park in the city (a good move.) here's a pic of us eating lunch on monday, having selected things from the menu because we understood 20% of the words in the meal's description:

luckily our surprise lunches proved delicious :)

i will leave this post here and recount the second part of our trip in new post. all this scrolling up and down is making me concerned that i'm about to destroy my work...

take care,

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