Thursday, June 10, 2010

i am thankful...

today, a day in which missy has cried more than she has cried in a long time, and so i am feeling extremely edgy, i am thankful for a lot of things.

i am thankful for the family and friends who have wished us well as we get ready to jet off for a few weeks - for their phone calls, their prayers and their genuine hope that we have a really great time. for the friend who tagged-team with me at bible study this morning, rocking and walking and trying to convince missy to sleep in her pram (with eventual success.) for my mother-in-law's knitting prowess and problem-solving abilities, as she professionally adjusted a lovely knitted jumper so that missy's head can fit through the neck hole. for the generosity of mums who are a few steps ahead of me, who've given us their no-longer-needed baby paraphernalia. for the way that God moved me to go back outside and deal with the semi-recyclable items our neighbour put into our bin, which i had self-righteously pulled out and tossed aside, with loving kindness instead of pride and selfishness. and these things are just from this morning.

(can you see the breadcrumbs in my carpet?)

take care,

edit: here's another pic i took after i posted the above...

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